Der Fotograf Mireya Acierto hat 2007 Teile der Hip Hop Szene aus Chicago über das gesamte Jahr verteilt begleitet und dies in einer Bilder-Serie dokumentiert. Die komplette ‚Windy City Rap‘ Serie findet Ihr direkt hier.
Mireya über das Projekt:
„Over the past year and a half I had focused a large portion of my time documenting Chicago’s hip-hop community. The main purpose of the project was to shoot enough images over a period of time to make a book. After living in NY for four years and photographing hip-hop there, I realized how large the hip hop community was outside of NY.
„I met most of the artists through two very prominent people in the hip hop community named DJ Geno and Brihana. I spent many nights running around trying to catch every event possible: video shoots, after parties, studio sessions anything and everything that involved what people in this industry do. At times I felt like I was part of the crew. It got to the point where I was everywhere all the time, that someone even nicknamed me „Hip Hop.“ It was exhausting but exhilirating at the same time.
„I must say, through it all, everyone was really great and wonderful to work with. It wasn’t always easy but I hope to continue this project for the next few years.“ [Quelle]